SPOKE 8 – La scienza alla base dei servizi climatici per la mitigazione e l’adattamento al rischio
Destinatari: Università, Enti Pubblici di Ricerca e altri Organismi di Ricerca
Scadenza: 31/01/2024 ore 12.00
Dotazione finanziaria complessiva: 1.700.000,00 euro, distribuita secondo le seguenti tematiche:
- Tematica 1: Bias assessment, adjustment and uncertainty analysis of existing regional scale high-resolution convective permitting climate simulations;
- Tematica 2: Local scale and high-resolution climatic simulations with convection permitting models;
- Tematica 3: Local scale climatic and hydrological simulation with multivariate stochastic models;
- Tematica 4: Building an open-access data base of historical hydrometeorological information for Italy, with validation and systematization;
- Tematica 5: Creation, validation, and systematization of an open-access data base of observations and scenarios describing the evolution of the sea environment and wave climate;